As the moon completes another orbit around Earth, the Pathfinders Newmoonsletter rises in your inbox.
But this Newmoonsletter is not your usual Newmoonsletter. We break our usual format and rules to wonder: what now? Can we stop pretending everything is fine? Is it time to root and ground in place? What feels worth nurturing in 2025? And we allow ourselves to get real, raw, and personal with you as we reflect on what feels worth nurturing going forward.
You can now read the special Black Moon 2024 issue on our website in the Newmoonsletter Archive, or on Substack in Tethix Pathfinding.
The question that emerged from this special, deeply grounded reflection is: How do our human bodies fit into an AI enabled future?
We’ll be exploring this and other adjacent topics around the virtual campfire during our next Full Moon Gathering on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 7PM AEDT / 9AM CET. If you’d like to join us for the discussion, don’t forget to RSVP.

The next Newmoonsletter will rise again during the first new moon in 2025, probably in a different shape and form. Until then, find some rules to bend and break, visit your local library, and be mindful about the seeds of intention you plant and the stories you tell. There’s magic in both.
And if you want to make sure you don’t miss the next issue of the most lunatic tech newsletter, you can subscribe to the Newmoonsletter either on our website or on Substack (where you can also follow our other long-form content and the Pathfinders Podcast), or add our blog or Substack publication to your RSS reader.