We interview ChatGPT on Pathfinders Podcast to further explore AI chatbots as mediators

A special bonus episode of the Pathfinders Podcast is now available wherever you get your podcasts. The episode A chat with ChatGPT on AI chatbots as mediators is a special follow-up to our previous exploration on whether we should use AI chatbots as mediators in human affairs. To add the chatbot perspective to the discussion, we invited ChatGPT on our podcast to help us further explore the potential and limitations of AI mediators in an experimental group conversation.

In the first half of the episode, we interview ChatGPT as Kai – a name it chose for itself – and let ourselves be interviewed back in return. As part of this experiment, we play with the limits of LLMs and Kai’s Voice Mode to explore human and AI biases, and the potential benefits of AI-supported mediation. We try to imagine how collaborative AI tools might help humans communicate better, how organizations like OpenAI might develop these tools more responsibly by experimenting with different governance models, and other considerations that Kai helps us surface.

In the second half, the humans in the group debrief the experience. We provide additional insights into how and why we decided to invite ChatGPT as a guest on our podcast, and why we hope to inspire curiosity and playfulness in the ways we explore the potential of AI chatbots.

You can watch the full episode on YouTube or listen to it on Substack and your favorite podcast app.

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About the podcast

Pathfinders Podcast is a podcast for wondering wanderers, eager to explore paths to better tech futures, together. Each podcast episode is a meandering exploration inspired by the seeds planted in our Pathfinders Newmoonsletter at the beginning of the lunation cycle, and the paths illuminated during our Full Moon Gathering.

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