Spark discussions with Elemental Sparks

Download, fold, play, and get inspired by Tethix Elemental Sparks.

Discover a fun team activity that leads to meaningful discussions and shared meanings.

Uncertain harms of artificial intelligence

A set of Elemental Sparks we developed for a Finding Nature event in Sydney on May 1, 2024. You can read more about how we used these sparks at the event on our blog.

In this set, each spark includes one blank space for participants to write in their own discussion prompt and one dance prompt that invites participants to embody the element through dance. 

We recommend using these Sparks when you want to spark conversations about uncertain harms of artificial intelligence. Keep in mind that the question prompts are just a starting point to explore the different meanings evoked by each of the spark words.

Data, fairness, and other sociotechnical challenges

A set of Elemental Sparks we developed for DATA_FAIR, an inclusive data engineering and data science conference that took place in Ljubljana on February 15, 2024.

We recommend using these Sparks when you want to spark conversations about data, fairness, and other sociotechnical challenges among practitioners. Keep in mind that the question prompts are just a starting point to explore the different meanings evoked by each of the spark words.

Igniting a Humane AI Business Culture

A set of Elemental Sparks we developed for the event Igniting a Humane AI Business Culture that we organised in collaboration with Salesforce’s strategic innovation team, Ignite, in Gadigal, Sydney on December 13, 2023. You can read more about how we used these sparks at the event on our blog

We recommend using these Sparks when you want to spark conversations and uncover new perspectives related to AI adoption, especially in a professional setting. Keep in mind that the question prompts are just a starting point to explore the different meanings evoked by each of the spark words. 

Blank templates

You can use these templates to make your own Sparks! Add four corner words that fit the theme and the Spark element, and write your sparks corresponding to each of the eight numbers.

What are Elemental Sparks?

Language is an elemental part of culture. Yet, we rarely take the time to explore the meaning behind words we use regularly. This often leads to tensions and misunderstandings, even when we have shared intents.

Tethix Elemental Sparks are here to spark discussions, storytelling, and explorations into what common words mean to us.

In a format that is likely to evoke childhood memories, Tethix Elemental Sparks are a printable interactive artefact designed to delight and invite exploration. Let chance guide your discussions as your fingers remember the playfulness you might have forgotten as an adult.

How to use Elemental Sparks

Print them, fold them, play with them. Let each spark word be an invitation to share your associations, stories, memories, images, songs, and anything else it might evoke.

Use Elemental Sparks in a professional setting to explore hidden aspects of your products, reveal tensions and commonalities within your team, or as an icebreaker and conversation starter.

In any setting, Tethix Elemental Sparks can help you deepen your relationships and find or develop shared meanings.

We also invite you to use the blank templates to make your own Sparks that fit your context and the words you want to explore together.

Looking for sparks?

Get in touch if you are looking for help on how to spark better discussions.

We specialize in using storytelling and diverse methods, mediums, and tools to evoke playfulness and nurture your team's moral imagination.

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